Hello All! The online store through Marchmasters for bibbers, shoes, and gloves is now open. ALL orders for 2019 will be placed and paid for via this site and payment will go directly to the company. Orders will be shipped to the school and distributed hopefully at our July 16th pre-camp meeting along with tee shirts. The store will be open for two weeks from Friday May 24 to Monday, June 10. If you have forgotten your sizes, visit our blog to find your information. Note that glove sizes do not appear on this list. Use your best judgment on gloves. *Please also note when ordering gloves that there are two options. Either are acceptable, but they must be BLACK. Here is the link: https://marchmaster.com/2019southside ![]()
The shirt order form for the 2019-2020 school year is now available. This year, tee shirts have been reduced to $10; polos to $20. *Only the instrumentalists are required to have one of each tee shirt. The polo shirt is optional for all but is encouraged for parents. Parents and family members are free to order tee shirts as well. All order forms & money are due at the orientation meeting on Monday, May 20th. Checks should be made payable to: Southside High School Band ![]()
January 2025