Sat 4/29 Drumline Placement Camp – 9-5pm, SHS Band Hall / Biddle Auditorium MON 5/1 Jazz Band (+extra folks) – 3-4:30pm TUES 5/2 SYMPHONIC BAND & PERCUSSION REHEARSAL – 3:15-5pm *Only rehearsal for Spring Concert! WED 5/3 Jazz Band (+extra folks) – 3-4:30pm THURS 5/4 WIND ENSEMBLE & PERCUSSION REHEARSAL – 3:15-5pm *Only rehearsal for Spring Concert! FRI 5/5 IMPORTANT REMINDERS
Band Banquet – May 9th Intersquad Game – May 18th Reading Band / Orientation – May 22nd Rookie Camp – May 23-25
Congratulations to the members of the 2017 – 2018 Southside High School Colorguard ![]()
Congratulations to the members of the 2017 - 2018 Crimsonette Danceline!
GO PRIDE GO! ![]()
“The PRIDE” of Southside 2017 Band Banquet
The Band Banquet is a time to celebrate this year’s successes by joining together in fellowship. It is also time to recognize our seniors for their hard work and commitment and to also give awards of membership and many other special awards. This year’s band banquet will be catered by Tre Ragazzi’s Italian Cafe. We will be having spaghetti with meatballs, salad, breadsticks, and cannolis! Tickets are $12 for every person planning to eat. Forms and money for students/friends/family are due on Thursday, May 4th. The form can be found in the bandroom or found below. When: Tuesday, May 9th from 6-8 Where: Southside High School Cafeteria. We will eat first, then present awards and senior speeches. RSVP FORM This form must be returned with payment by Thursday, May 4th. **A form MUST be received for all students/friends/family members planning to eat** Band Student Name___________________________________ # attending _________ X $12.00 Senior Table _________ Total Paid _________ ![]()
Band Schedule Week of April 24th
Monday, April 24th Colorguard and Crimsonette Clinics 3:15-5 Tuesday, April 25th Colorguard and Crimsonette Clinic 3:15-5 Jazz Band Rehearsal 3-4:30 Wednesday, April 26th Colorguard and Crimsonette Clinic 3:15-5 Thursday, April 27th Colorguard Clinic 3:15-5 Crimsonette Auditions 3:15-5 Jazz Band Rehearsal 3-4:30 Friday, April 28th Colorguard Auditions 3:15-05 Saturday, April 29th Drumline Placement Camp 9am-5pm IMPORTANT REMINDERS
We want to say a HUGE congratulations and thank you to all of our Solo & Ensemble Participants and student helpers!! You guys were AMAZING! Please see the email we received today from our ABA District II Vice Chairman, Mrs. DeGaetano: Dear Southside Band Faculty and Students, Thank you SO MUCH for everything you did to make yesterday's District Solo & Ensemble at Southside High School a huge success! Your helpfulness and hospitality was evident to ALL involved. I know it takes a significant amount of time and effort out of your already busy day to host an event of this magnitude on your campus. Please know your time dedicated to yesterday is GREATLY appreciated. To all involved--YOU GUYS ROCK! Thank you again, Jill DeGaetano Gadsden City High School ABA District II Vice-Chairman ![]()
BAND SCHEDULE – WEEK OF: April 17, 2017
MON 4/17 Solo & Ensemble – 4-7pm, SHS TUES 4/18 Student Leadership Team Interviews, 3-4:30 pm WED 4/19 Student Leadership Team Interviews, 3-4:30 pm THURS 4/20 Student Leadership Team Interviews, 3-4:30 pm FRI 4/21 IMPORTANT REMINDERS
To the Director of District II Directions to Southside High School Dear Director(s), We are looking forward to hosting Solo & Ensemble Monday, April 17th here in Southside! We hope that this finds you and your band doing well. We are looking forward to seeing you and your students. Please read the information below regarding directions to our school. *Please note; our school is no longer located off of Highway 77. Instead, we are now .5 miles down from our stadium at 2361 School Drive. If you have questions regarding finding our school, please feel free to contact our band office at (256) 442-2172 ext. 8 Mr. Weaver can be reached at: (256) 393-8841 Ms. Palmer at: (256) 740-2315 Solo & Ensemble Room Directory Registration / Tabulation Library Warm-Up Cafeteria Large Ensembles / Jazz / Percussion Band Hall Solo & Ensemble Rooms 1st Floor Classrooms (1 piano is available. Signs will indicate) Map To Southside High School
2361 School Drive Southside, AL 35907 ![]()
January 2025