“We Will Rock You”
“Under the Sea”, “Beyond the Sea”,
“Under the Boardwalk”, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save",
“Living on a Prayer”, “Sail” & "Anchors Aweigh"
“We Will Rock You”
“Under the Sea”, “Beyond the Sea”,
“Under the Boardwalk”, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save",
“Living on a Prayer”, “Sail” & "Anchors Aweigh"
Staff & Leadership
Matt Weaver, Director of Bands
Rebekah Hammock, Assistant Director
Haley Weaver, Colorguard Instructor
Whitney Wood, Crimsonette Instructor
Meredith Cook & Hannah Lowery, Drum Majors
Matt Weaver, Director of Bands
Rebekah Hammock, Assistant Director
Haley Weaver, Colorguard Instructor
Whitney Wood, Crimsonette Instructor
Meredith Cook & Hannah Lowery, Drum Majors
Mid-South Marching Festival - Gadsden, AL
Class AAAA Competition:
Straight Superior Band
Superior Percussion
Superior Colorguard
Superior Danceline
Superior Majorette
Superior Drum Major
Best in Class AAAA Band
Best in Class AAAA Drum Major
Bob Rush Award for Superior Performance
Rip Reagan "Most Entertaining Band" Award
Highest Overall Score
Lake Martin Marching Invitational - Alexander City, AL
Class AAAAA Competition:
Straight Superior Band
Superior Percussion
Superior Colorguard
Superior Danceline
Superior Majorette
Superior Drum Major
Best in Class AAAA Colorguard